Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Vision And Voyage: First Post Boi!

Last year was my first year of college. During my first semester (the fall semester) I saw an A frame sign on campus that said "study abroad fair." I was intrigued. I went to the fair and got as much information as I could about the countries that interested me. One of those included the fine country of Japan. As a youngster I started an interest in this country mainly because of all the wild movies I saw and war documentaries I watched. Because of this early interest and a later interest knowing Japan is a Mecca of automotive culture I took a deeper look into how traveling over there would work practically. Pages and pages of reading later, visits to websites, and meetings with study abroad advisers on campus I was set on traveling to Tokyo Japan and studying at KCP International. A link to their website is here. I chose KCP mainly because it was in Tokyo, the city in Japan I most wanted to go to, and also because it was relatively inexpensive compared to other programs. Other reasons I chose to study in Japan are because of the automotive opportunities there, as mentioned above, and if you know me, then you know I am very versed in the automotive world and love to get involved in local events, competitions, and meets at every opportunity I can, not only to meet people with the same passions but take some pretty pictures of their cars too! Another reason is, as can be seen on any American road, Japan has something figured out when it comes to cars. American roads are constantly seeing cars like Subaru Toyota Mitsubishi Honda Nissan among others. All of which came from Japan. With this in mind I wanted to go to Japan to learn the language and make myself more marketable to automotive employers that have Japanese interests whether that be in Japan or in conjunction with Japan in the states. Therefore my primary goal in going to Japan is to learn as much of the language as I can in the shortest amount of time as possible to make myself as marketable to employers as I can, as soon as I can... Other reasons that I picked Japan include but are not limited to, the street/modified car culture, the food, the people, the potential of surfing (although I will be there in the colder seasons), and the technology that seems to ooze from every corner of Japan. So the main goal of this blog is to document this journey so my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing and also so any persons wanting to go to Japan themselves will have a real life example to look at and evaluate better how they want to make their trip to Japan.

So if you stuck around for this long and read the whole preliminary post, first I commend you, and also want to say not all post will be this wordy. I hope most will be more jovial and frivolous involving pictures of weird and wonderful sights I see in Japan or on the way to/from, and others will involve the practicality of how I got where and by what means and all that. But most importantly I want to keep the contents of the blog pretty open to whatever I see and however I want to present it. First, to not make myself slave to the system, and also to make it easy for me so I can spend time studying, and making connections in Japan. With that in mind... I also want to keep it exciting for you fine folks! So let me know if I'm doing something off with a comment below. Now with the trip ahead, many sights to see and people to meet I'll end this post with a poem I wrote while I was bored on a Vancouver bound airplane that was delayed for like three weeks.

A Haiku:

By Josh Sewell

Nothing wastes your time
Like waiting on a plane
In Seattle rain.

Thanks for the read folks,

Joshua Sewell

Instagram: josh_sewell_photo


  1. This is a test, if you can see this comment, then the comments are working and I'd love to see a comment from you!!

  2. WE read it out loud so mom can hear too. Nice Haiku, did you learn of those from MR. Johnson. I think you can also post little videos hear of your adventures too. like what really goes in in a cool restauraunt, or what the maclaran sounds like. we will be thrilled to faithfully read all your posts!!!!
